
The Biggest Mistake: Trying To Help Everyone


A common thread with my clients that come to me struggling in their business is when asked “who do you help?” They answer that they can help anyone. Yes, this may be true, buy in order for your potential clients to feel that you are the right person to help them, it must be positioned that way in your messaging.

Perhaps you don’t agree at this point because you know that you can help anyone with your product/service, yes I agree, but when your client makes the decision that you’re the best fit for them BEFORE you make the offer, it’s magic and many common objections disappear in this scenario.  so let’s entertain a couple examples. For example, if you do social media, pick a specific medium, say you’re a Facebook expert. What this does is that anyone having chalenges with issues on Facebook will view you as a option The second part is to identify what type of client do you help. This is where I experience client resistance, but those that embrace it, have witnessed a surge in their income. One of my current client success cases is a Facebook expert that works with Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, and Dental Practices to increase their Facebook presence, generate engagement, and increase this engagement into increased sales.

This empowers him to position his services in a narrow niche that can easily sustain his business and it also increases his referral potential as people can see out for example a Realtor, that has a Facebook account, and is frustrated to use it, having difficulty converting their activity into sales, or sees the value and would rather focus their time on selling homes and it’s a good investment to have someone else run their Facebook account.


Ask yourself, what is the main service I provide, who is my ideal client, and how can I align my message to speak directly to their challenge and position me as their solution?

When you answer these questions, please post below your success stories 🙂


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