
November 23

Great Motivation Video


A very slick video outlining people that have overcome disappointment and went on to succeed. Failure isn’t trying something and having it not work out. Failure is never giving your dreams a chance.

Pursuing your dream can be a scary prospect, but explore the worst case scenario of trying and then see how scary it is. Most times you will realize that failing in your attempt, will cost you some time, money, and you will be back where you started, but is that true? The reality is that you will be better off than where you started because you have taken action and can either find another way to pursue your dream or move on. I know from experience and am sure you can relate, wasting time fantasizing about how much better off you would be if you pursued your dream can be irritating. If you put that energy into taking the first steps, you will see if it works and perhaps, will spend your time working on improving your dream.

This video has a great quote. “If you’ve never failed, you’ve never lived.”

This quote is applicable to the video:

“If you can dream it, you can do it.
Always remember this whole thing was started by a mouse.”

-Walt Disney


determination, enjoy work, inspiration, reaching potential, self-actualization, succeed

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