
Want To Gain Clients From Speaking On Stage & On Video?

For entrepreneurs and business professionals looking to seize opportunities to increase your exposure, income, and build your business by attracting more ideal clients by leveraging the power of exposure from stages and video. 

If you are not confidently putting yourself out there on stage and on video, then you will not be able to make the income and impact you desire

Most entrepreneurs and professionals know that they should be doing presentations and videos, but they are being held back due to feeling nervous to put themselves out in public or not sure how to create their presentation content that will attract their ideal clients and impact their audience.  

This can be frustrating because to thrive...and even survive in today's business is world, gaining exposure is essential. 

Perhaps you're even seeing less qualified competitors doing better than you in business just because they're building their exposure through talks and videos. 

Or you're seeing less competent colleagues being promoted and respected just because they seize these opportunities. 

The good news is that Own The Stage is a training program that will teach you how to build effective presentations and how to gain the confidence so that you engage the audience every time you speak on stage and on video. 

This will ensure you have the skills to put yourself out there so you advance your career and success for years to come. 

About Lucas Mattiello

Lucas founded Level Up Living in 2010 with the focus on helping business professionals to become the most effective leaders they can be. 

When looking at leadership, he identified that public speaking was a big obstacle for many leaders and there were 3 key areas that separated the great leaders from the average ones.

First, the fear of public speaking stopped many leaders from sharing their message and gaining the recognition and respect they needed to advance their career. They needed to gain. the confidence to say "YES" to speaking opportunities and become comfortable speaking in public.  

Second, was creating an effective message. Unfortunately, in today's business world many messages just miss the mark and loaded with information, which leaves the team to be overwhelmed and checked out during meetings and presentations. 

Lastly, was being an effective and engaging communicator. Even if you have great information, a leader that wasn't able to effectively share their message would struggle. The most effective leaders were those that would engage their audiences to feel inspired to take action and feel like a valued member of the team. 

In 12 years, Level Up Living has helped over 1,000 professionals to become more effective leaders with upgraded skills, they’re able to more effective in their role, advanced their career, and create more powerful teams. 

Lucas is an internationally renowned trainer that has been featured in Forbes, is a best-selling author, is a TEDx Speaking Coach, and TEDx speaker.

A Few Of Our Own The Stage Clients

For years I was committed to changing the financial Industry, but was too afraid to speak in public.

Own the Stage has provided the training for me to now do monthly talks, which have allowed me to get more clients and grow my business.

Now with the content to create an effective message and the confidence to speak on every stage, I see myself as a Leader and my business is growing.

Jay Gangnes

Financial Advisor

I joined Own The Stage because I was scheduled to speak at a conference and wanted to do a great job because it was an opportunity to grow my business.

This training provided me with the tools to create my talk and confidence when speaking on stage.

I successfully completed my talk and got many clients directly at the event and more in the following weeks, which is amazing. Now I have more talks booked and am excited to do more!

Tess Marti

PMU Expert

I originally had apprehensions about joining the Own The Stage program because I thought “I already have some of this down and have presented before."

I have already done a couple talks, but after I joined, I realized how much training I actually needed to build an effective talk and be able to be an engaging speaker on stage.

Through the process of working with Lucas, I've had many successes for my business and have been doing regular talks to promote my business services.

Now I have another tool to get exposure for generating new clients and this is exciting because I'm well positioned to be viewed as an expert and more important, will have access to gain new clients from doing presentations.

Marlon Doll

Digital Marketing Expert

I joined Own The Stage because I was scheduled to speak at a conference and wanted to do a great job because it was an opportunity to grow my business.

This training provided me with the tools to create my talk and confidence when speaking on stage.

I successfully completed my talk and got many clients directly at the event and more in the following weeks, which is amazing. Now I have more talks booked and am excited to do more!

Angelina Hung




Module 1: Presentation Topic Clarity 

Identify what you want your presentation to be about. Learn how to identify the best topics for presentations and how to have them lead to prospective clients to become clients.


Module 2: Creating Your Effective Presentation (Signature Talk)

Learn how to build your presentation content, story-telling to showcase client case studies, and best practices for the types of clear CTA's (Call-to-action) you can make at the end of your presentations.


Module 3: Presentation Delivery Training 

Most presenters are monotone and focus mostly on just getting their information out to the audience, but this doesn’t engage the audience or lead to attracting clients. 

To effectively share your message, you must be able to have an engaging delivery style to find that is authentic so you connect with potential clients and position you as the person they will work with. 

This is where you learn the best practices for body posture, vocal projection, authentic audience connection, and sharing your offer so it attracts your ideal clients. 


Module 4: Savvy Slide Decks  

Learn the best practices for creating effective slides for your presentation so they engage your audience, instead of putting them to sleep.

Template of slide decks will be shared with you to speed up your presentation slide creation and reduce the overwhelm that can come with slide decks. 

Also, you will learn how to create both hard copy and back up copies of your presentation slides in case you encounter technical issues at a future presentation.


Module 5: Get Booked For Talks & Leveraging The Exposure 

Gain the technical skills necessary to identify the best places to contact to do presentations and how to effective use email for outreach and setting up a meeting. 

Then you will learn how to position yourself as the best candidate for the speaking position and how to leverage and network at the event to maximize the connections you make. 

Also, you will learn how to effectively follow up with new contacts made at the event and how to leverage your new relationship with the event organizer to be booked at other events.   


Module 6: Become Confident On Video  

Gain the technical skills necessary to identify the best video topics and places to post your video content to attract your ideal clients. 

You will learn the best practices to go from video topic to video outline, to recording and tips to be your most confident self on video. 

Also, you will learn the best tools to help with video editing and video posting to make it easier for you to get your videos out in front of ideal clients. 

What makes us different

Most training programs teach you either the content or delivery, but not both so you can't effectively use the training to get speaking opportunities when you are missing one.

This training program provides you with the to become a confident speaker and leader because every leader that uses speaking in public to advance their career needs to have both a compelling message and engaging delivery. 

Instead of a business training with 100's of people, we limit our training group to

only 12 participants.

Own The Stage Training Cost

Gaining the ability to say "yes" to presentations, build an effective talk, and confidently share your talk, is a skill that will allow you to gain clients and have success in your career for as long as you're in business. 

Investment For 3-Month Training



  • Live Weekly Training Calls 
  • Access To Online Training Modules
  • 5-Days of In-Person Training
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100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

If, for any reason, you don't like this amazing plugin, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

A Personal Note

The ability to speak with confidence on stages is a superpower in today's business world. 

Unfortunately most people will never experience these benefits because they're afraid to speak in public. 

Fortunately, this training program will teach you exactly how to become an effectively communicator. 

This will advance your career and allow you to be a better leader, team member, and person as effective communication is a skill that is helpful in all areas of life.