
Become A Confident Public Speaker

For business professionals looking to improve their public speaking skills to become effective communicators so you can be a better leader, increase your income, and advance your career. 

Public Speaking Workshop in Vancouver

Make Public Speaking An Asset For You

Most business professionals know they should be seizing every speaking opportunity because it's a key leadership skill, but they are held back due to feeling nervous to put themselves out in public. 

This can be frustrating because to thrive in today's business world, exposure and being viewed as a leader is essential to advance your career.  

Perhaps you're even seeing less qualified colleagues, being promoted instead of you or receiving more respect and praise just because they're confident to speak in public. 

The good news is that the Speak With Confidence is a training that will teach you how to overcome the nerves and gain the skills and best practicers to speak with confidence in every situation.  

This will ensure you have the skills to put yourself out there so you thrive in your role, advance your career, and ensure your success for years to come. 

The Authority Builder Training

About Lucas Mattiello

Lucas founded Level Up Living in 2010 with the focus on providing the most effective trainings for entrepreneurs and business professionals to overcome one of the most common challenges that people face today…the fear of public speaking.

When a person is fearful or even uncomfortable speaking in public, it holds their career back because they either won’t speak up, so their ideal clients won’t know about them. Or if they do speak in public, they struggle to effectively communicate their message.

Level Up Living has helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and professionals to overcome these nerves and fears and now with their upgraded skills, they’re able to get their message out to their ideal clients, grow their business, and secure their future.

An interesting point is that you wouldn't expect someone diagnosed with an anxiety condition to become a Public Speaking trainer, but that’s what Lucas did. For 15 years, Lucas struggled with panic attacks and anxiety and it was in overcoming that challenge he gained the inspiration to help others to overcome their fears after he experienced what’s possible when you do. 

Lucas is an internationally renowned communications trainer that has been featured in Forbes, is a best-selling author, is a TEDx Speaking Coach, and TEDx speaker

Happy Clients

Jay Gangnes

Financial Advisor

For years I was committed to changing the financial Industry, but was too afraid to speak in public.

Speak With Confidence provided the training for me to now do monthly talks and effectively hare my message which has allowed me to become seen as a leader both to my team and in my industry. 

Kylie McBeath


I joined Speak With Confidence because I was excited to seize more speaking opportunities and knew that I needed training to accomplish my goals. 

This training program has provided me with the skills to say "yes" to every speaking opportunity and feel confident when speaking. 

I would absolutely recommend this training program if you are somebody looking to become a more confident public speaker. 

Marlon Doll

Digital Marketing Specialist

I originally had apprehensions about joining the Speak With Confidence training program because I thought “I already have done some talks, so would I get value?"

But when I started the training, I realized how much training I actually needed to build my speaking confidence, creating an effective message, and to be able to be an engaging speaker on stage.  

Through the process of working with Lucas, I've had many successes in my career because of the presentations I have done. 

Now I am so comfortable on stage when speaking and look forward to every speaking opportunity I get.

Training Modules


Module 1: Become Comfortable Speaking In Public 

By the end of the first half of Day 1, trainees will have a clear sense of their public speaking baseline ability, tools to become comfortable public speaking using body posture and delivery foundation skills, and practice to become comfortable speaking in public. 


Module 2: Become An Effective Public Speaker

Have a pre-talk routine to manage speaking nerves and be prepared for your presentations, with speaking delivery best practices to look good and also have the skills to create an effective message every time you speak. 

You will also have the confidence to seize speaking opportunities because you're able to share an engaging message every time. 


Module 3: Seizing Speaking Opportunities And Improving

How to seize speaking opportunities at work immediately after the training to implement your new public speaking skills by learning the most effective ways to find speaking opportunities at work and events and conferences. 

How to practice your presentation leading up the speaking engagement so that you are prepared for your presentation and tools to map out your presentation content so that it’s effective and build your slide deck so that it is engaging to the audience. 

You will also learn how to review your presentations and find the areas to improve so you keep building your speaking confidence 


What makes us different

Most training programs use a lecture style training where you get a lot of information. But knowing what to do is only one part of the solution to gaining speaking confidence. 

The most effective way to build public speaking confidence is by knowing what to do, but then practicing it. This is where Speak With Confidence shines because our system is designed for you to learn a skill, then practice speaking immediately.

Participants repeat this process while being recorded speaking so they have video to show them exactly what to improve the next time they speak. 

Instead of a speaker training with 30-100 people, where you can only share information. we limit our training group to only 12 people to ensure your training development. 

Speak With Confidence Training Cost

Gaining the ability to say "yes" to presentations, have an effective message, and confidently delivering it is a skill that will help you excel in your career for many years. 

Investment For The 1-Day Training



/per person

  • 1-Day In-Person Training 
  • Access To Online Training Modules
money back
100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

If, for any reason, you believe your speaking confidence didn't improve, you can get a full refund. 

A Personal Note

The ability to speak with confidence is a superpower in today's business world. 

Unfortunately most people will never experience these benefits because they're afraid to speak in public. 

Fortunately, this training program will teach you exactly how to become an effectively communicator. 

This will advance your career and allow you to be a better leader, team member, and person as effective communication is a skill that is helpful in all areas of life